Due to COVID-related changes to court operations, the Courtroom Reservation System (CRS), used in most Civil courtrooms, has not been available for the past several months. Accordingly, the Court accepted motions that were submitted for filing without a reserved hearing date. The assigned courtroom subsequently scheduled a hearing date.
As of July 6, 2020, CRS became operational again. Therefore, effective immediately, all Civil courtrooms using CRS will require all motions to be reserved via CRS prior to filing the motion.
To be accepted for filing, the motion must include:
1) The motion hearing date, time, department number, and the court reservation ID number on the face page of the motion; and
2) The reservation receipt attached as the last page of the motion.
If the filing party is rescheduling a motion, a copy of the most recent rescheduling receipt must also be attached as the last page. The hearing date and motion type as reflected in the receipt must match the face page of the motion when the motion is filed. This process also applies to rescheduled motions.
If a motion is submitted without the required information, the motion will not be filed and will be rejected.
Please visit www.lacourt.org for all of the LASC updates.